“You have no concept

Until it asks

What it


Of you…..”

Lovely. You are complete in your aloneness the way someone learns to live without a limb. Phantom pain comes and goes. But you are still what you had.

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thank you... I'm just mining the experience. I'll move on to other things...

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I'm really affirmed by your close attention - thank you, dear.

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You are once again tugging at my heartstrings with your fine writing Judith. This time, I worry that it may come unraveled. xxxxx

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I've taken the deep dive into widowhood. there are other aspects of life, MY life, too!

watch this space!!

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Doors open when the moment is right

Sometimes we just need the courage to step through. You did and 60 years later here you are. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Keep the words coming. Xx

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absolutely looking forward....!!

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Beautifully put as always Judith!! Thanks so much for sharing.. so much love to you x

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and thank you as always. (I miss you!)

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Always always, your writing fills me up nicely. Thanks again

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so happy about that.xx

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Judith, although I am not at this moment in my life, your words ring so beautifully, achingly true. I love your writing!

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Rabbi Hillel, great Jewish scholar/thinker/guru: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?"

Derrick Wolcott

And you.

Thanks to all

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that slippery slope! looking out for ME w/o slipping into the nutty narcissism of so very many! you know them and I know them! xx

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